Women and water


On the occasion of the 66°session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN (CSW66), Women health climate with its partner associations (Digital for the Planet, FLDDF-Maroc, FAIGA, UN-HABITAT, Femmes Leaders-France-Mali) organized a side event on Tuesday, March 22 at 5 pm on the following theme: «Women and access to water».

During this workshop Women health climate and its partners made a link between Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 6 and the need for women and their families to access water and sanitation managed in a sustainable way regardless of the territory. This should translate locally into better food security, a satisfactory level of hygiene and responsible agricultural production

However the news of the war in Ukraine, causing a wave of migration of women and children unprecedented on the European territory since the second world war, alerted us to the dramatic consequences of this conflict on access to water and food for refugees and populations, whose countries are very dependent on imports of cereals, including wheat.

So, at the end of our meeting, we want to warn about the dark future in terms of supply and access to the essential resource, water, for the populations already precariously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and which are also hit by the consequences of the ongoing wars in the world (Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Mali, etc.)
The 66°Commission on the Status of Women cannot end without special attention for these women and children who will experience famine, thirst and a crying lack of hygiene in the coming months.
There can be no sustainable development without peace.

We would therefore like to make the following recommendations:

  • Obligation to conclude peace negotiations between the belligerent countries in accordance with resolution 1325 and its main obligation which requires the presence of women at the negotiating tables
  • Compliance with the Geneva Convention on the reception of refugees and migrants in terms of status and accommodation
  • Obligation on all Member States to organize the good governance of water resources and basic necessities for their population on their territory